Mary Carrico Catholic School

Choose from 3-day or 5-day preschool!

Students are encouraged to explore inside and outside of the classroom.

Afterschool Childcare Available

Contact us for more information, today!

Preschool at MCCS
Preschool might include our smallest learners but that doesn't stop them from having BIG fun while making their brains big and strong! We offer morning preschool for 3-5 year olds with the ability for each family to create the schedule and care that best fits their student's needs. Families may choose from 3-day or 5-day preschool which meets 7:30 am - 10:45 am. Wrap-around care is available from 10:45 am until 5:30pm to accommodate parent/guardian schedules. Students enrolled in wrap-around care will be on campus for lunchtime and naptime, followed by activities until pick-up. The wonderful Mrs. Micki Howard leads our youngest students through fun activities each morning that grow their minds and encourages them to explore the world around them. The smiles we see on their faces and the excited stories they go home with says it all!
To take a tour of the school and learn more about our wonderful preschool program, contact us today!

Pre-K Registration Form

All pre-K forms must be turned in with a current immunization record, and a $100 non-refundable deposit.


Release to Participate Form

This form must be turned in with Registration forms.
